On 14th March we (Katie & Jess) headed into Winchester to create a living spring wreath to hang outside of The Winchester Orangery.

We re-used the willow wreath base which formed the structure of the enormous Christmas wreath from last winter.
Wrapping the bottom third with carefully harvested moss from a Welsh woodland, we then added a range of living plants and tulips on the bulb. These were each wrapped in their own little jacket of moss and bound on using natural twine.
Finally, on the wreath, some long lasting foliage was added to the moss.
For the hanging plants (kokodama) we wrapped the root ball and compost in damp moss, bound it with a thin wire (which will break down easily on the compost heap) and hung from fishing line to look invisible.
We hope you like it - do go and visit! The food and drink there is excellent too! https://www.thewinchesterorangery.com/